Data preprocessing
Data labelling
- correctly labeled datasets are often called "ground truth"
- efficient data labelling
- access to additional human workforces: Machine Learning Systems Design#Human-in-the-Loop Pipelines
- automated data labelling capabilities
- assistive labelling features
Data preprocessing techniques for ML
1. taking care of missing data
There are several ways to handle missing data:
delete missing rows/columns
- when the size of the data set will not decrease substantially unless filter them out would bias the sample
data imputation
- use mean/median for continuous value
- use mode for discrete value
- use specific values within/out of the range
- regression imputation: predict the value by building an interpolator or predicting them based on other features
use missing value as a separate feature
2. handle outliers
- removal: outlier-containing entries are deleted from the distribution
- replacing handle as missing values and replac with suitable imputation
- capping: use an arbitrary value or a value from a variable distribution to replace the maximum and minimum values
- discretization: convert continuous variables, models, and functions into discrete one, by constructing a series of continuous intervals (or bins) that span the range of our desired variable/model/function
- also see Outlier Detection
3. log transform
- turn a skewed distribution into a normal or less-skewed distribution
4. categorical encoding = converting categorical columns to numerical columns
- two approaches
- Label encoding
- One-hot encoding
- choices of approaches
- Label encoding is suitable when:
- the categorical feature is ordinal
- the number of categories is quite large (high cardinality)
- One-hot encoding is suitable when:
- the categorical feature is not ordinal
- the number of categories is quite small (low cardinality)
- Label encoding is suitable when:
- Dummy Variable Trap: a scenario in which the independent variables are multicollinear: -> so, always omit one dummy variable!
- Cannot Capture Interaction Effects: fix this by creating composite feature and computing explicit feature crosses
It saves a ton of memory space by using category data type instead of object.
5. splitting datasets into the training and test sets
6. feature scaling
= a method used to normalize the range of independent variables or features of data
two options
- standardization
- = z-score normalization (universal) = subtract mean and divide by standard deviation => afterwards the data follow Normal(0, 1)
- easy to choose sensible priors (then you can detect small slope values like 0.5)
- computation works better
- only apply to normal distribution
- normalization
- = min-max scaling / min-max normalization
- preserve the shape of the dataset
Which to choose, from The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book
- unsupervised learning algorithms, in practice, more often benefit from standardization than from normalization
- standardization is also preferred for a feature if the values this feature takes are distributed close to a normal distribution (so-called bell curve)
- again, standardization is preferred for a feature if it can sometimes have extremely high or low values (outliers); this is because normalization will “squeeze” the normal values into a very small range
- In all other cases, normalization is preferable.”
Why use feature scaling
It is optional, but beneficial to gradient descent and calculation speed; useful in at least three circumstances:
- for algorithms that use Euclidian distance: Kmeans, KNN: different scales distort the calculation of distance.
- for algorithms that optimize with gradient descent: features in different scales make gradient descent harder to converge.
- for dimensionality reduction (PCA): finds combinations of features that have the most variance
- don’t apply feature scaling on dummy variables!
- better apply feature scaling on train and test dataset separately, in case of Data Leakage.
What is Feature Engineering then?
Feature engineering = selecting, extracting, and transforming the most relevant features from the available data to build
Thus, the techniques above can belong to feature engineering. Besides, there are feature creation and feature extraction/selection:
- Feature creation
- feature Interaction: create new features by combining already existing features
- feature aggregation: create summarized features, such as the mean of standard deviation
- Feature selection
Best practice for feature engineering
- avoid Data Leakage
- use statistics from only the train split, instead of the entire data, to scale your features and handle missing values
- handle imbalanced data: Advanced Practice in ML#Handling imbalanced dataset
- handle Difference in Proportions of Labels (DPL)
- keep track of data lineage: Advanced Practice in ML#Data lineage
- use features that generalize well: Advanced Practice in ML#Important for feature engineering Making Feature Generalization